Euro NCAP ratings explained: how safe is your car?
November 08, 2024 by David Motton

Founded in 1996, the Euro New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) was established to provide an independent safety rating for new cars.
It was initially created for the UK’s Department for Transport but was later backed across Europe. Euro NCAP’s results are now taken as the most reliable way of assessing new car safety.

What are Euro NCAP ratings?
Euro NCAP ratings are a way for buyers to understand the safety provided by various makes and models of car. The Euro NCAP assessment covers both the protection of occupants/other road users in a collision and how well a car helps the driver avoid a crash in the first place.
The scores take into account three factors of protection — for adults, children and pedestrians — plus the level of safety technology on-board. As well as the overall rating, with a star rating out of five, there are individual scores across the four categories.
Euro NCAP serves as a truly independent testbed for new cars on the market. It’s not a legal requirement for cars to have a Euro NCAP test. Such is the status of the ratings, though, it can influence sales.
For example, the Fiat Punto scored the first-ever zero-star rating in 2017. It’s perhaps not a coincidence it was pulled from the market just a year later.

How are Euro NCAP ratings calculated?
Several tests are undertaken to determine a score in each category:
Adult occupant protection
Adult occupant protection is calculated by impacts at the front, side and rear of the car as well as the ease of rescue and extrication.
Child occupant protection
Safety for children is determined by the capabilities of child restraint systems and the provisions a car has for child seats.
Pedestrian protection
Impacts on the head plus both lower and upper sections of the legs are tested to determine pedestrian safety. The effectiveness of automatic emergency braking on both pedestrians and cyclists is tested too.
Safety assistance technology
The level of safety and effectiveness of technology such as automatic emergency braking, speed assistance, lane monitoring and occupant monitoring is all considered for this category.
Euro NCAP regularly updates its test procedures with a view to continually pushing up standards. So, a five-star rating today is much tougher to achieve than it was 10 years ago.

What do Euro NCAP ratings mean?
Every car tested has a star rating out of five. The more stars the better.
- 5 stars: the car will have excellent safety standards across all four of the categories which Euro NCAP assesses. Such cars use up-to-the-minute tech to help drivers avoid collisions, as well as robust protection in a crash.
- 4 stars: to achieve this rating a car will have good crash test protection. It will also have some useful driver aids. However, it will not be as comprehensively impressive as a five-star car.
- 3 stars: average. The car will offer reasonable crash protection but it will be missing some modern driver aids.
- 2 stars: the car will offer some protection in a crash but very little in the way of driver aids.
- 1 star: poor crash protection and lacking in collision avoidance technology.
- 0 star: the car meets legal standards but offers very poor protection.

The star rating serves as an easy comparison among cars more than anything. A low score doesn’t necessarily mean a car is unsafe, but that it’s not as safe as comparable cars.
As the barometer for scores is constantly being raised, a five-star rating in one year doesn’t guarantee a five-star rating for the rest of the time the car is on the market.
For example, the Renault Zoe scored five stars when tested in 2013. However, the heavily-updated version was tested again in 2021 — becoming the third car to receive a zero-star rating.
This doesn’t make the Renault Zoe an unsafe car. Rather, it shows how Euro NCAP is constantly improving its standards of safety as technology advances.

How do I find the Euro NCAP rating for a car?
The easiest way to find a Euro NCAP rating for a specific car is to use the board’s website. It has a full database of scores, allowing you to search by model.
Manufacturers will often show Euro NCAP ratings when marketing a car too. That’s particularly the case for those with five stars.
All our new car reviews include a ‘Safety and security’ section that will tell you about a car’s safety kit and its Euro NCAP rating, if it has one.
Euro NCAP ratings FAQs
Is a 3 star Euro NCAP rating bad?
A three-star Euro NCAP is an okay rating, but not the absolute best. The star rating ranks cars from zero- to five-star. Whatever type of car you are looking to buy it shouldn’t be hard to find four- and five-star cars.
What cars have the best Euro NCAP ratings?
Cars rated five stars are deemed to be the safest on the market at the time of testing. You can find a full database of ratings on Euro NCAP’s website.
How long does a Euro NCAP rating last?
A car’s Euro NCAP rating expires after six years. This is because the board constantly raises its standards in scoring as technology advances.
What is the dual Euro NCAP rating system?
Since 2016, some cars have had a ‘dual’ star rating. The first is the standard car without options, with the second for cars that have optional safety features that would otherwise raise their score.
How are Euro NCAP ratings different from global NCAP ratings?
Euro NCAP ratings focus solely on cars sold across Europe. Safety rating boards exist elsewhere around the globe, including the US NCAP in the United States, JNCAP in Japan and Latin NCAP in South America.
What is the lowest score on Euro NCAP?
It’s possible for a car to score zero stars. This is very rare. In fact, only three cars have ever sunk this low. The most recent was the Renault Zoe, which scored zero stars in 2021.
What Euro NCAP rating is my car?
The easiest way to find out is to go to Euro NCAP’s website, which includes a comprehensive database of results.