Alfa Romeo Giulietta colours guide 2014

July 09, 2014 by

Alfa Romeo’s Giulietta is less a mainstream family hatchback and more the car of choice for the discerning, stylish dad. Given that it’s such a stylish car, it would seem a shame to cast doubt on your credentials with a boring colour choice. Thankfully, carwow is here to guide you through the Alfa Romeo‘s hues and how much they cost.

Solid colours

Black (£0)

There’s only the one standard paint colour for Giulietta and it’s this relatively uninspiring tar-black shade. While it may seem an aggressive look nose-on, from every other angle it swamps the details of the Alfa – particularly on this base Progression model, without chrome accents to break up the monotony. Still, it is at least free-of-charge and available on all models except the sporty Giulietta Quadrifoglio Verde (QV, or cloverleaf).

Metallic colours

Alfa Red (£510)

There are two colours that fit every Alfa Romeo and red is the one most people think will think about. There’s just the right balance of chrome and black in the Giulietta’s details to make Alfa Red a no-brainer choice. This looks good – but you run the risk that everyone else will think that too and when it comes to secondhand sales the supply of red Giuliettas may drive the price of yours down.

Alfa Red is also the only colour from the regular line-up that you can have on the Giulietta QV. It’ll be standard (£0) on that model only.

Ghiaccio White (£510)

White is the other classic Alfa choice, but it has to be said that the sheer amount of sheet metal on the Giulietta means it’s often just a featureless expanse of white – you may as well get a “This page is intentionally blank” decal for that massive rear door.

Where there are design details to pick up, Ghiaccio White (don’t ask how to pronounce that) picks them up well – the bonnet ridges and angled frames of the front air dam particularly – but alas it is a background colour and your £510 is better spent elsewhere.

Etna Black (£510)

Etna Black couldn’t be more different from the standard shade and still actually be black. A subtle bronzey-red tint hides underneath the black and, when clean, pops through in sunlight to make for a particularly nice shade. While it still needs the chrome accents of higher-specification models to divide up the patches of darkness, it’s a far superior colour to the solid black, and one that’ll get admiring glances.

Magnesio Grey (£510)

One of two greys available for the regular Giulietta range and while it’s not especially inspiring on first glance it’s not a bad colour. Acting as a literal halfway house between the white and standard black options, Magnesio Grey picks up little styling details here and there you’d otherwise miss.

The chrome accents don’t do the car any special favours, so this might be a good option for base-spec Progression buyers, which goes without the shiny bits.

Antracite Grey (£510)

Antracite Grey, on the other hand, is not a good colour. It’s too dark to do many of the accents any favours and gives off the overall impression of a chunk of pewter. Oh and Antracite isn’t a typo – the Italians drop the h…

Metallo Bronze (£510)

Brown isn’t showing any signs of giving up and going away, and this is Alfa’s effort. It’s nowhere near the nasty affronts that other manufacturers use on their cars – it almost looks like a highly-polished antique leather sofa – but brown is terribly dating and not a great colour for residual values.

Alfa Silver (£510)

Even fleet buyers can drive Alfa Romeos!

Silver, the company car shade of choice, is a bit of a boring option but it does suit the shape quite well even if it does smother those chrome highlights. It’s a perfectly acceptable choice but you didn’t buy the Giulietta to be middle of the road, did you?

Cobalto Blue (£510)

This isn’t the strongest blue we’ve ever seen, but it’s an excellent left-field choice. When you look at the large, multispoke alloys of the higher spec Sportiva Nav model you could be forgiven for thinking there’s a hint of Maserati in a blue Giulietta’s profile. For a £25,000 family hatchback that’s not a bad thing at all. Cobalto Blue pushes all the right buttons with no obvious drawbacks, which makes it worth the money.

Luna Pearl (£510)

Saving the best regular shade for last, Luna Pearl is a great three-in-one pick that shifts from white to blue via hints of yellow depending on lighting conditions and how clean you’ve kept it. This, along with Etna Black will probably be the colour that everyone wishes they’d picked instead of red and you can expect some strong resale performances when it’s time for you to move on.

8C Red (£2,200)

A whopping four times the price of any other colour, 8C Red (also dubbed Competizione Red for the QV) is largely what it says it is – the red used on the Alfa Romeo 8C sports car. A three-layer metallic red, 8C Red is pretty sharp looking in direct sunlight but the chances are that, in our climate, it’ll not look too different from the flatter Alfa Red. It’s also going to be a very expensive colour to respray if you suffer any car park dings.

Matte Magnesio Grey (QV Launch Edition only)

If you’re one of the 100 lucky buyers to get hold of the Launch Edition QV, you’ll find your £2,160 premium goes towards this matte version of the regular Magnesio Grey.

Shown above on a MiTo QV, Matt Magnesio Grey is one of those colours that doesn’t really do anything for the curves of the car. Light just falls onto it and it looks pretty much like regular Magnesio Grey after a particularly heavy morning dewfall. But if you happen to have it on your car, you’re one of the first 100 people to buy the Giulietta QV so it doesn’t really matter.

Find out more

If you want to read more about the Giulietta and its options then check out our full Alfa Romeo Giulietta review section, with photos, videos, stats, and a full buying guide.

Alfa Romeo Giulietta

Family hatchback looks great
£17,895 - £30,781
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Alfa Romeo Giulietta

Family hatchback looks great
£17,895 - £30,781
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